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The fans seem extremely excited about the prequel of GoT after the end of its 8th season with an exclamatory story revelation. Now that the prequel House of the Dragon is on its way to air soon, Eve Best shared her reason for casting in the prequel show as Rhaenys Velaryon.

In an interview, Eve Best revealed her role as Rhaenys Velaryon in the upcoming anticipated TV series and prequel of a massive hit TV show across the globe, GoT, as House of Dragon. Unfortunately, HBO is yet to premiere the show on August 21st, 2022, for the fans of GoT. The show, produced by Ryan J. Condal and Miguel Sapochnik, is based on an adaptation of the novel Fire and Blood by George R.R. Martin, and the novel is also based on its prequel series A Song of Ice and Fire.
The GoT prequel story is coming up this weekend:
The GoT Prequel is a story based on the civil war of Targaryen that took place 300 years before the venture of Game of Thrones started and is also known as Dance of the Dragons. The series features Paddy Considine as the reigning King Viserys I Targaryen, who announced his daughter Rhaenyra as the new heir to the Iron Throne. At the same time, his brother Daemon and his sons with Alicent Hightower were expected to claim the position.
This sparked a state of hatred as the conflict arose in the House of Dragon between the brothers. Still, Aemon Targaryen wanted to pass his inheritance to her only child Rhaenys, a stunning dragon rider who married Lord Corlys Velaryon and became the Queen. Still, later her claim to the throne was rejected in favor of Viserys, her dominant male cousin.
Best Eve about her role in the Prequel series HOTD:
While giving an interview to The Observer, Eve Best talked about her character in detail and shared her reason for joining the cast of House of Dragons. She revealed that the show was in process under super secrecy, and no one was allowed to say a word about it until the creators made the official announcement, and due to her keen interest in being a part of the prequel, she chose to stay quiet for a while since 2019.
Read her full comment below.
“Everything was so secretive. In the audition, we were initially sent a scene from the original Game of Thrones with the names changed. We weren’t even told the title of the new show. When eventually I was sent a real script, I loved the writing. Ryan [Condal] and Miguel [Sapochnik, co-showrunners] immediately hooked me with the series’ driving theme. There is a line my character says early on: “Men would sooner put the realm to the torch than see a woman ascend to the Iron Throne.” Lose the word “Iron” from that sentence; it feels all too relevant. To top it all off, they told me my character was a dragon rider. I was in!”
Best’s character appears to be one of the fortunate members of Targaryen House to ride one. The show promises Game of Thrones lovers no less than 17 new dragons, which surely will blow their minds. Rhaenys was portrayed in the novels as having a kinship with the dragon Medleys, also known as Red Queen, despite not being shown in official trailers or photographs up to this point. The source material suggests that Rhaenys and her husband, Corlys Velaryon, will still hold a prominent position in the tv series, even if she may no longer be a candidate for the Iron Throne by the time of House of the Dragon. We all are equally excited to watch her perform in the show, as Best’s statements give an open hint that she will ride a dragon at least once.
Keeping up the thrill with the straight 8 hit seasons of GoT, HBO is all set to surprise its viewers with one more big series coming up this August. The story will help fans to relive their best moments from the previous series of GoT and find hidden clues in House of the Dragons, such as the lives of the Targaryens and the mysteries of the Dragon. After all these years of making the show under secrecy, HBO succeeded in its mission to complicate and hide it from the original cast so that the show could have the essence of excitement, treasury, and astonishing surprises. Best’s words agree that a significant House of the Dragon theme will be surrounded by sexism in Westeros and dragons.
The first episode of House of the Dragon will be released on Sunday, August 21st, 2022.
Stay tuned for more updates related to GoT prequel.
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